Fresh from several Vision Builder conversations, I want to share an analogy that's had a profound impact on my clients. We often think about time management as constricting - there are only so many hours in a day, right? But what if time could actually work in our favour?
Think about planting a bulb in October. You do that one active thing - putting it in the ground - and then time does the rest. By spring, you see the results.
This is how time can work for us in three powerful ways:
1. The Financial Curve
(Note: This isn't financial advice, but it's widely discussed information)
The power of compounding is fascinating. That first £100K is the hardest to save, but after that, the curve accelerates. Why? Because you're not just adding your savings - you're getting returns on your existing money too. The path isn't linear. Each subsequent £100K takes less time than the last.
2. The Vision Timeline
This is where it gets interesting. When I work with clients on their 10-year vision, some find it hard to think that far ahead. But that distance is deliberate - I want them to dream bigger. Just like that first £100K, the early part is the hardest. Those first high-leverage moves aren't easy. You need support.
But here's the crucial bit: once you plant that seed - once you clearly articulate what you want - the universe starts working for you. Your subconscious tunes into opportunities. Your network aligns to support you. Time becomes your ally.
3. The Surprise Acceleration
Sometimes, the opposite happens. One of my clients put "buying a coastal house" in her 10-year vision. When I asked why it wasn't in her 3-year plan, something clicked. Six months later, she's buying that house. Sometimes just daring to articulate our dreams - especially those we're scared to say out loud - can dramatically accelerate their arrival.
The Key Message
Don't wait for the 'perfect moment' to start. Whether it's investing (drip-feed, never all at once!), vision-building, or manifesting your dreams, time needs something to work with. Plant that seed now.
Just like Charlie Munger said about that first £100K (though with inflation, it's probably £200K now), the principles remain the same. The hardest part is starting. After that, time becomes your friend, not your enemy.
To catch up on the full episode and find out more about making time work for you, you can listen to the podcast at Apple Podcasts or Spotify
To find out more about the power of compounding, complete with some handy illustrations, read here.