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Why abundance matters for high achievers

Maya Gudka

Like me and some of my listeners, you might have been hearing lots about Abundance Mindset...

...but find it can come across a little happy clappy or even slimy snake oil.

So let's do this properly! I talked about this in 5 short episodes on The Executive Coach Podcast


First we need to define and understand Abundance & Scarcity Mindset definitions, how they show up, and what the evidence is around how they impact us.

📈Turns out that a positive quantitative link has been established in the research between Abundance mindset and material wealth / income*

Then we need to understand the specific interaction of scarcity mindset with high-achievers.

🏆High achievers can indeed be more prone to the downsides of Scarcity Mindset.

Let's not blindly drink the abundance kool aid though - it wouldn't be The Executive Coach Podcast if we didn't check a few ifs and buts as to where this stuff can go awry.

We do this in the fourth episode.

Finally, how can we easily bring more of an abundance mindset into our lives?

I talk about practical ways to do this in the 5th of this mini series.

📹These are videoed episodes so follow me on Spotify to watch along:

*Yakubova, Y., & Salahodjaev, R. (2021). Against All Odds-Are Abundant Thinkers Really Wealthier? The Cross-Country Analysis on Abundant Thinkers and their Income Scale. North American Journal of Psychology, 23(2), 183-192


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