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For logical, high-achievers

Don't know where to start re: your 10-Year Vision?

Hi! You're probably here because you've heard me talk about why you need a Vision (especially as a high-achiever) , and you're ready to take that next step...

As an ambitious professional, a robust approach (inspiring and expansive, without being too woo-woo!) is what you've been looking for.

The Vision-Builder is it. 

Full details below.

How to Save Time When Scaling Your Business.jpg

I'm Maya Gudka

I'm a C-Suite Leadership & Executive Coach, top 10 Apple Career Chart Podcast host, and Visioning expert.

I help professional leaders to clarify their career goals + leverage their existing experience to progress into their dream roles (and lives!).

In my Vision-Builder I've mapped out the critical path to building your 10-year Vision, based on building 100s of visions with clients just like you. 


But that's not all. You also get 1-1 time with me (an EMCC-accredited Master coach)


It will help you extract a strategy from tangled thoughts, and give you a clear lens, rather than overworking in random / vague directions.

Vision-Builder Programme Promise

We often don’t know where to start with our longer-term vision.

We worry we might be missing important inputs or information... so we do nothing.  

In 7 hours, this programme addresses that, by guiding you through the critical path to building your 10-year vision, including 1-1 intensive coaching!

You walk away with an inspiring vision on paper and a doable plan.

It includes:
  • Vision fundamentals, essential to building a vision that is deeply exciting, representative of who you truly are, & not limited or blocked. These steps have been distilled from the 100s of visions I have built with clients
  • Manifestation - for logical thinkers! You might not love woo-woo, but you still want to dream big and achieve with ease..
  • Reconciling dilemmas which can keep us stuck or prevent us committing to our vision, through expert 1-1 work
  • Next steps to move towards your vision with ease - this is where a personalised plan is key, only possible through your expert 1-1 session with me

Price: £980 + VAT @ 20%

(These are real people, you can go check out these and many more recent ones on LinkedIn!)

Claire Islei
"Partnering with Maya to map out my vision was a pivotal experience. It was also really fun to do. Unlike traditional methods, Maya's approach was refreshingly practical and insightful. Through our sessions, I delved into the core of who I am and who I aspire to be professionally. Maya helped me navigate the messiness, articulating my vision on paper, and focusing on authenticity over perfection. Her style empowered me to take ownership of my aspirations, instilling confidence and excitement about the future. Maya's ability to uncover my strengths and drive was remarkable. With her support, I gained clarity and direction, aligning my values with my career goals. I highly recommend working with Maya and her program Vision Builder."

Programme Preview

After completing the modules below, you are ready for our 1-1 intensive coaching, where we thrash out the knots, doubts and clarify your 10 year vision and 3 year plan. You will walk away feeling lighter and clearer!
Introduction - Why a 10 year vision?

Module One - Laying the groundwork for a powerful 10-year vision
  • Addressing your barriers and blockers
  • The Big Leap: expanding your potential
  • ​Harnessing the power of comparison, envy and anxiety

Module Two - Getting ready to craft a robust vision
  • Values and signature strengths
  • Zone of genius
  • Rare & valuable skills & Purpose

Module Three - The Vision Work
  • 10-year vision exercise
  • Accessing your inner wisdom
  • Upgrading your day - TODAY
  • ​The 3-year plan

​Module Four - Moving effortlessly towards your vision
  • Tiny steps
  • Magic meets logic
  • Crafting energising and aligned work



When should I do the Vision Builder? 


The quick answer is that if you don’t already have a 10-year vision and a corresponding 3-year plan, do it straight away! 


But specifically, clients are catalysed into action when: 


  • They are making tricky decisions in work and life - and struggling to do so
  • They are finding themselves overworked but not ‘moving forward’ 
  • They are contemplating next steps in their career, such as job switch or career change
  • They are feeling ‘stuck’ 
  • Life is feeling blah and drab rather than energising and exciting 
  • They are seeing others thriving around them at work and wondering why they are not.


How long does it take? 


A maximum of 7/8 hours. The online work tends to take 3-5 hours (maybe 5 to really do it justice, again one of those things the more you put in the more you get out). I've kept the critical path items in there only for your vision-building. 


It's up to you how much you wish to spread this out - as a guide, minimum two weeks, maximum one month but really there is flexibility here. Once your online work is completed, we have two-hour 1-1 intensive.


Do I pay VAT if I am outside the UK? 


If you can let me know which country you are operating in I can check this info. If your company is paying (which many people do), the VAT is typically passed on. Any other questions, let me know!  


Can my company pay? 


Many clients are choosing to ask their organisations to pay for this – given it is a hybrid learning  and coaching offer and often fits neatly within an L&D budget. It has clear benefits for the organisation backed by the research, I am happy to supply a brief note setting these out. 


If you are self-funding and considering future work with me, I can make you aware of the bundle option and discount, just let me know. 

How Vision Builder benefits the Organisation

​​A number of our Vision Builders have purchased the programme through their organisation L&D budget, including companies such as Udemy, British Airways and ERGO Insurance Group.


Research highlights that leaders who align their personal vision with the organization's vision are more effective, and generate a whole host of positive relational and motivational resources.


By integrating a strong personal vision with the organization's goals, leaders can significantly enhance their effectiveness, contribute more strategically, and foster a more motivated and engaged workforce.


Having herself worked in the client facing, strategic, L&D and Executive Education departments of major companies, Maya is aware of the specific challenges facing organisations today when it comes to developing its leaders.


The following points elaborate on these challenges and how Vision Builder addresses these:


Renewed Sense of Purpose, Motivation and Direction / Combating Feelings of Being ‘Just a Cog’:


High achievers in organizations often feel like mere cogs in a machine. A strong personal vision provides them with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, making their roles feel more meaningful and impactfuL, which, in turn unlocks:


  • Deeper Employee Motivation - A strong personal vision taps into deeper motivations, leading to more passionate and driven employees - essential for higher quality work and greater commitment to achieving challenging goals.


  • Creativity, Energy & Effectiveness:  Addressing both personal and professional aspects of leaders' lives leads to a deeper engagement & therefore increased energy, creativity, and effectiveness at work


  • Enhanced Team Motivation & Performance: Leaders with a strong personal vision are better equipped to motivate and engage their teams. Their enthusiasm and clear direction inspire their teams to perform at higher levels and take on challenging projects.


  • Enhanced Retention of High Potentials through Personal Engagement: When leaders see how their personal vision aligns with organizational goals, they feel more valued and engaged. This alignment helps in retaining high-potential employees who are crucial for the organization's future.


  • Growth Opportunities: By having a strong personal vision, leaders are more likely to seek out and embrace opportunities for personal and professional growth. This not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the organization's overall success.


  • Effective Leadership During Rapid Promotions: For leaders who are rapidly promoted, a personal vision provides a critical guide for navigating new responsibilities and challenges. It helps them maintain focus and motivation amidst the transitions.


Strategic Decision-Making, Contribution & Prioritisation:


Leaders with a clear personal & professional vision:


  • Make more strategic decisions. The clarity of their long-term goals helps them prioritize effectively, leading to better focus and reduced stress in managing complex tasks.


  • Maximize Use of Strengths / Strategic Contribution: They are better equipped to see the broader organizational opportunities and understand how they can best contribute using their unique strengths and 'zone of genius'. This approach enables them to leverage their talents more effectively.


  • Prioritization and Focus: They can prioritize their tasks more effectively, reducing stress and enhancing productivity. This clarity helps them manage their workload more efficiently.


For further resources, don't forget to check out the testimonials above as well as The Executive Coach Podcast.


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